Saturday, April 09, 2005

The Altagracia Milestone

Despite that a tree lies obstinately in the line of sight between the Altagracia repeater and the pueblo itself, while two of its brethren innocent, have fallen in the name of the project, the Bainbridge-Ometepe Sister Islands Association office was today officially "hooked up" and continues to this moment to be enjoying its newfound connectedness to the outside world. Your humble narrator received a hunk of real, dark chocolate in gratitude for his services rendered.

traceroute to (, 30 hops max, 38 byte packets
1 firewall ( 2.187 ms 1.071 ms 1.002 ms
2 beneficio-ap ( 2.215 ms 2.410 ms 2.346 ms
3 altagracia-repeater ( 5.227 ms 6.343 ms 7.458 ms
4 bosia-client ( 11.417 ms 34.377 ms 7.986 ms

The Hotel Castillo would similarly have been made a part of our trifling network, if the fellow who was to prepare certain elements of the installation hadn't typically forgotten the work and made himself scarce. This was representative of many of my days. Yes, life moves slow here, but slowness is not incompatible with some degree of organization. So it goes.

As soon as the installations are finished and we get some legal business taken care of, my priority is to take some time off away from the island, and write. We need a website, and moreover we need a more developed statement of the values and needs of the project than one finds in the project proposal to be put on such a site.

The goal for the next two months is to clean up, put things in order, and generally try to make sure that the network will survive in our absence. David Mitchell is here for a few days, and has promised me a laundry list of chores. Which is fine.

It's been a long, educational trip so far. Over a bottle of Ommegang I'd brought for a celebratory occasion, David asked me what it was, exactly, that I'd learned. These are some of the bigger items: how to work on my own with few resources; that there are sorts of people one finds here and there around the world that I would wish to have more contact with, people whose energies, values, and maturity (for lack of a better word) I identify with; that in the year or two to come, I want to come into contact with more people to inspire me, perhaps through some smaller-scale projects here and there throughout the region; something about what home means to me; and a thousand smaller things about people, technology, and the world. And this is only the beginning. Who knows where I'll find myself eighteen months down the road, and what I will have learned getting there?

Salud! Thanks for following me along the way.